Marble Laptop

Office Hours

Mornings are rough, and if you're more of a nightowl like me, you'll appreciate this article found last week via. the New Yorker. That said, while I'd love to work during my "prime hours", life simply isn't that flexible, so today I'm sharing a little bit about my morning routine, and some tip for a productive work day... 1. Keep a Clean Work Space : Personally, I'm a bit of a germ-aphobe, so maintaining a clean desk goes a long way in my book. Don't get me wrong, being clean does not always make someone "tidy" and life piles up quickly, but I've found that taking a moment to de-clutter my work area before I dive in is also an exercise in de-cluttering my mind and getting focused on the task at hand.

2. Work Out : This year, I am really trying to become one of those rare species that wakes up at the crack of dawn to hit the gym. I don't always get it right, but I've found that anytime I am able to get my butt out of bed and into a 6am class, the remainder of my day is much more timely and energetic. At the very least, I can guarantee that a quick workout before work will take you from "out of bed" to "awake" – there's a difference! More morning workout tips here.

3. #SkimmLife : This is somewhat embarrassing, but I'm not good at keeping up with the news. Not only do I find the topics depressing, but let's be honest I simply don't take the time for it. That said, while my mind may not be instictly drawn towards politics or economics, these topics are extremely relevant, and I deeply understand the value of being informed. Enter theSkimm! Trust me, if you're not already signed up, go now, because you will love this concise and witty newsletter packed with all the details you need to start your day! I begin every morning by opening my laptop and reading the daily Skimm, afterwhich I feel informed, and better equiped to enter any conversation. For the precausious bunch, rest assured there is no spam involved with this, nothing more than one quick newsletter full of snippets from the day's top headlines– sign up here.

4. Decorate : In my humble opinon, a pretty work space is a more productive workspace, and little details like this marble laptop skin, go a long way (giveaway instructions below)! While I've done some work to organize a dedicated work space at home, I'm currently decorating my actual office space, and it's amaing how much the little things help. Personally, I'm someone who works best from her own environment (aka. home), so I've tried to bring some of that to to the office by adding extra light via. a desk lamp, & wire string lights, as well as adding some greenery. Trust me, I'm no green thumb, but breathing some life into my workspace, even through some easy dessert plants, instantly puts me in a better mood! Also, never underestimate the value of a good Inspiration board!

5. Check it Off: Call me old fashioned, but nothing feels better then crossing items off a to-do list. I am a list maker, a note taker, and a planner by nature, so one of the first things I do in the morning is make a fairly detailed to-do list. This isn't yet a perfected system and I have tried a varity of apps in the process (check out Any.DO & Things), but there's also something to be said for pen & paper, so I have one notebook in particular that goes with me everywhere!

In the spirit of office hours, today I'm stoked to giveaway this marble laptop skins by UNIQFIND! I'm sure you've seen these glamorous marble laptops on Pinterest, I know,  I've been obsessed with them, and this particular version is my favorite. UNIQFIND and I share a similar love for minimalism and Instagram, so I'm excited to announce that this will run as Glitterary's first Instagram giveaway!!

To enter simply follow the instructions below:

1. Follow both @Glitterary_ & @UNIQFIND (they have a killer Insta Acct!!)

2. Like THIS image.

3. Tag a friend within the comments section.

**Extra entry if you repost to your own account, but not required.  

Giveaway ends next Monday 03/09 at 11:59pm CST. Winner will be announced Tuesday 03/10. Good luck!